Intellectual property: Our document formats for Job Specification, Programs of Requirements, UPD (Uitgangs- PuntenDocument brandbeveiliging) are protected by copyright laws, just like all our actual documents, innovations and designs. Fire protection expertise: Combustible and flammable liquids Hazardous materials and dangerous substances Aircraft hangars, storage of commodities Petrochemical and proces industry Pharmachemie, personal care and consumable oils Sprinkler, foam, deluge, watermist, extinguishing gas Monumental buildings Experience with codes and standards: NFPA, FM VdS, PrPN (Polish) PGS (Publicatiereeks Gevaarlijke Stoffen) FOC, LPC, VAS, NEN-EN12845 + NEN1073 Solas (Safety of Live at Sea), SNIP (Russian) Products: Risk analysis, starting points of design UPD’s (UitgangsPuntenDocument brandbeveiliging) Job specifications (bestekken) Control and support of installation works Expert witness testimony, status reports Memberships: NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) SFPE (Society of Fire Protection Engineers) AFSA (American Fire Sprinkler Association) VBE (Verenigde Brandveiligheid Experts) NEN team PGS14 (Handreiking PGS15 opslagen) KIvI Engineering Society (Building Department) Innovations: Design of a stainless steel deluge valve assembly for the release of foam concentrate, featuring: - highly reliable performance, little maintenance - provisions for supervision and alarm signalling - trimmings for full functional testing without   actual concentrate release - 2 step manual testing to avoid accidental release - manual release automatically reduced to 1 step in   case of emergency - smooth exterior for easy cleaning.   First certified fire pump sets with stable pressure by electronically regulated speed in the Netherlands.  Universal pipe network, usable for either hi-ex foam or sprinkler to allow quick change of storage tenant.  Central bladdertank system with decentral admixing stations and long concentrate pipe lines. Fixed flowmeter configuration with trimmings for foam systems to enable quick change-over to a water-water simulation test to check the admix ratio. Mobile electronic test equipment to establish the actual admix ratio of large flow proportioners within 30 seconds at flows upto 33.000 dm3/minute.  Hydraulic calculation program to include velocity pressure without iteration. Lucrative in large deluge systems (aircraft hangars, oil industry) and for highly pressure dependent systems (e.g. foam generators). Hydraulic calculations with non-water fluids with higher viscosities and higher specific mass. “TOS fire protection” became part of Riskonet B.V. on January 1st, 2016. Riskonet B.V. Singel 540 NL-1017AZ Amsterdam tel.   +31(24) 324 0112 mob.+31(6)542 37 642 fax.   +31(24) 323 7097 email: <> See further